

The APY of a given vote account pubkey based on last epoch's performance (in percent).

Sample output

solana_current_staking_apy{pubkey="5BAi9YGCipHq4ZcXuen5vagRQqRTVTRszXNqBZC6uBPZ"} 6.449820442689558
solana_current_staking_apy{pubkey="8jxSHbS4qAnh5yueFp4D9ABXubKqMwXqF3HtdzQGuphp"} 6.434121594142694
solana_current_staking_apy{pubkey="F5b1wSUtpaYDnpjLQonCZC7iyFvizLcNqTactZbwSEXK"} 7.195850076956045
solana_current_staking_apy{pubkey="irKsY8c3sQur1XaYuQ811hzsEQJ5Hq3Yu3AAoXYnp8W"} 3.2552769395926884


Be sure to understand this gauge's behaviour when pubkey_whitelist is modified.


At the beginning of each epoch, the exporter fetches all reward transactions from the starting slots of the epoch. The staking rewards, and the duration of the previous epoch, are used to calculate the APY of the current epoch. This is only ever done once per epoch.