

The count of activate validators, grouped by their ISP. Given the isp_name label is the name of the ISP returned by MaxMind, the value is the number of validators with a node IP address belonging to that ISP.

Sample output

solana_active_validators_isp_count{isp_name="7heaven LLC"} 1
solana_active_validators_isp_count{isp_name="Adman LLC"} 1
solana_active_validators_isp_count{isp_name="Advanced Solutions LLC"} 1
solana_active_validators_isp_count{isp_name="Alibaba"} 1
solana_active_validators_isp_count{isp_name="Amazon"} 1
solana_active_validators_isp_count{isp_name=""} 61
solana_active_validators_isp_count{isp_name="Beeline"} 1


This gauge will not be exported if no MaxMind API key is present in config.toml.


The output of this gauge relies on cached data; the exporter retains the geolocation information of an IP address for one week before considering it stale and re-acquiring it from MaxMind.