Monitoring a stakepool

Although solana-exporter can export statistics about an entire cluster, many of its gauges can be limited to a particular subset of pubkeys. This can be useful for when the specified RPC node has rate-limits, and only a few pubkeys need to be monitored.

Example config.toml

rpc = ''
target = ''
vote_account_whitelist = [
staking_account_whitelist = [

username = 'username'
password = 'password'

This is a sample configuration file that instructs solana-exporter to only export statistics related to the specified pubkeys, using a public RPC node. By not fetching information about all validators, it is possible to avoid slow scrape times due to rate limiting.

Be sure to understand the behaviour of APY gauges when modifying pubkey_whitelist .

Monitoring using Grafana

After solana-exporter has been appropriately configured, set up Prometheus and Grafana with the sample dashboard supplied. You should see statistics on your stakepool.

Stake pool APY metrics Stake pool APY metrics

Stake pool decentralisation metrics Stake pool decentralisation metrics

Stake pool metrics Stake pool metrics